Just wanted to alert the masses that I'll be shutting my shop down in 4 days (Monday morning Oct. 5th).
Don't worry folks... I'll be back - BUT (and this is a big but) I don't know when. It might be 2 weeks, it might be 4, it might be a month and a half, might be two months... we'll see once I get settled into my new house (really hoping it wont be more than 2 weeks).
SO, if you love Elegant Snobbery, now is definitely the time to grab what you like before I hit vacation mode. And to sweeten your shopping, all 3 of my shops will be 1/2 off.
Yes, you read that right - HALF OFF.
So hop on over and double check that there isn't anything you absolutely have to have or the world will end... and if there is, grab it before its too late! Just wait to pay and I'll send you a revised invoice - or, go ahead and pay and I'll refund your order via PayPal.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Shop Closing and 1/2-Off Sale
Myla's Moon Nursery
I just wanted to share a custom job with you all, today!
I was so excited to be commissioned to create the art for soon-to-be baby Myla's nursery. The room is absolutely beautiful and it was so much fun for me to create three original pieces to tie into the decor. Baby Myla's family names are Moon and Bridges, so incorporating both moons and bridges into each illustration was a lot of fun for me. Take a look!
Just for size reference, each original illustration measures 11 x 14 inches. Isn't the framing beautiful?That chandelier is to die for! LOVE it!
Here are close ups of the illustrations above the changing table:This is my favorite fairy... how sweet is her face?
Fishing is a family favorite, so having a little fishing fairy was the perfect touch!
And a print of my frog prince illustration, fit in perfectly!
If you are interested in seeing more photos of Myla's moon nursery, hop on over to HGTV's Rate My Space -- just {CLICK HERE}
Monday, September 28, 2009
Home, Sweet Home
Okay. Wasn't that fun?
Why did we all squeal?
Because this is an exciting week! Tomorrow is our final walk-through on our house and then we close first thing Wednesday morning!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Mad for Plaid Tags 'Cause Plaid Tags Are Rad
Say that title three times fast!
Okay, I don't know if you noticed, but I have a poll on my sidebar about what kinds of cards and tags you use the most... please vote, if you haven't yet!
Why, you may be asking yourself, do I have a poll up? Because, my dear readers, I have been designing my heart out on a new selection of cards and gift tags for my Paperie shop, and I want to make sure they are what everyone needs! These tags are currently blank, but they'll have a little greeting of some kind on them before they go off to print.I've been in a plaid mood, can you tell?
I have a few more planned.... maybe a hedgehog would be cute! Or a couple more owls? Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to see on a tag, birthday card, or thank you note?And these ones, which look hideous in their unfinished state, are done now, and absolutely LOVELY!
Can't wait to show you when I'm done!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cupcake Stamps for the Cupcake and Stamp Lovers!
I've been super excited about the project I've been working on with the fabulous Beth of the shop Sunflowers and Dragonflies...
are you ready for this?....
CUPCAKE STAMPS! (bet you didn't see that one coming!)
Seriously, I know I designed them and everything, but I think they are so darned cute I can't wait to get my own hands on a set!
So, for the sugar-frosted, cavity-addicted, cupcake-loving stamp addicts, here is the link directly to the stamp collection I designed over at Sunflowers and Dragonflies {click here!}And check out Beth's blog for this awesome tutorial on making a sweet-tooth worthy cupcake frame {click here!}
Do you have a set of these cupcake stamps and want to show off your handmade projects using them? (I'd really love to see them!) Share with us at my Facebook Fan page! www.facebook.com/ElegantSnobberyIllustration
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Seriously? Yup. Seriously.
It's no secret that Gracie is scissor-crazy. And that I pretty much have to keep my scissors on lock and key. And that Gracie still manages to get a hold of the scissors despite me hiding them...But now Annelie has decided to take after her big sister and look like a complete and total looney-toon.
For the record, I was the one who left the scissors out of the padlocked safe -- But also for the record, Will was the one on kid-duty. I blame him and he blames me and Annelie runs around telling everyone how beautiful she now looks. Great.
If I give her a serious comb-over, and use enough hair spray to super stick a 3rd world country, its almost not completely noticeable.Almost.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Shiver Me Timbers!
Don't be a lily-livered, son of a biscuit-eater, ye squiffy sprogs...
Just grab a mug 'o grog, give us a loud ARRRRRRRRRGH, and lets get loaded to the gunwales!
Cap'n Snobbery
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Strike a Pose
Gracie's new favorite thing in the whole wide world is dressing herself all fancy-like.
I haven't read her Fancy Nancy yet (I know, I know. What am I waiting for? Especially as Gracie is so Nancy). But she is just fancy all on her own.
The other day, she excitedly dressed in all of her prettiest clothes (so she said). "I'm all dressed. Can we go out to the store now?" she wanted to know.
Um, no. Not dressed as if her father picked out her ensemble - seriously, what is with the way men dress their kids?But, as she looked too lovely to miss a photo op, we had ourselves a fashion model photo shoot and Gracie showed off all of her fancy model poses.
Baby Gap, get a load of this girl!
Gotta love her self-cut bangs....
Monday, September 14, 2009
On Being an Idiot...
I've been excitedly working on some Halloween illustrations lately, as I LOVE Halloween and firmly believe it is the best holiday ever. Until Thanksgiving, of course. That is the best holiday ever. Well, until Christmas...
But anyway, I had planned on getting the Halloween prints in my shop this week... except that I'm kind of an idiot.
Okay, I'll admit it - I'm a ginormous idiot. Here's why:
Scene: a few weeks ago. After mailing broken lap top to Portland, so Marisa's friend Holly's hubby, Jim (aka: computer GENIUS) can fix it, Marisa proceeds to sit on the couch, phone in hand, and dial Holly's number.
Marisa [on phone with Holly]: Did the package with the laptop arrive safely?
Holly: Yeah, but you mailed an extra cord.
Marisa: What? [very confident] No, I didn't.
Holly: Yes, you did.
Marisa [very insistent]:No, I didn't.
Holly [very tolerant] Yes, you did.
Marisa [even more insistently than before]: No, I didn't
Um, actually... yes, I did.
Turns out, my scanner cord is in Oregon and my scanner is in Texas and my illustration is in Texas and I am officially an idiot.
Don't worry all you Halloween lovers - I'll have the prints in my shop someday, but in the meantime, I need to acknowledge that Holly is right and I am wrong.
Sunday, September 13, 2009

NaNoWriMo begins in a month and a half.
Karen, of KarenFaulknerArt, blogged today about taking the plunge and signing up for this year's novel writing fest (churning out a 50,000 word novella in only 30 days), so I thought it would be a good day to blog about it as well, in the hopes of motivating any of my blog-reading, novel-writer aspiring friends to join in the fun.
Some of you may remember last year's NaNoWriMo blog posts -- I totally rocked.
Okay, actually that's not quite true... while I did hit my 50,000 word requirement, I didn't get to print out the handy-dandy certificate, as I jumped the gun and had 8,000 words done 3 days before NaNo officially started.
This year, however, I want that certificate and by golly, I'm going to get it.

In case you are wondering what happened to last years work... I am at 68,000 words right now, with about 40 pages of deleted scenes (aka complete and total crap) sitting in its own file. I'm nearly done. After a lot of soul searching and a major break from writing, I am loving my story again and eager to finish.

Are you jumping on the NaNoWriMo band wagon this year? Lets be friends! You can find me here, under Elegant Snobbery.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Thanks for all of the entries (via super SWEET comments) to my $25 gift certificate giveaway!
We have a WINNER!
Will Miss Melanie, of Whimsical Creations please step right up to receive your gift certificate?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Bunny Princesses
To say my girls are girly-girls is a gross understatement. My girls are GIRLY-GIRLS (all caps are necessary, believe me).
No, these pictures are not in preparation for Halloween... this is just your average every day in the Hopkins household, when the bunny princesses come to play.
Once upon a time, I actually got to use my make-up on myself (weird thought, I know!). But now my eyeliner, lipstick, and hot pink glittery eye shadow have a better use - whiskers, noses, and magical princess sparkles. I do have to say in all honesty, my favorite part of being a mom (besides the hugs and kisses and 'I love you, Mom's which are all very nice) is when my girls insist they go paint chip shopping at the hardware store dressed as their bunny princess alter-egos, and scowl at anyone who calls them a kitty-cat.
Because it should be obvious. They are bunny PRINCESSES, can't you tell?Happy Friday!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Best Gift You Could Ever Give Someone You Love...
... is an Elegant Snobbery ACEO.
Haha, just kidding.
But seriously, I wanted to let everyone know (especially the ACEO collectors and ACEO wannabe-collectors) that I've just added 5 new ACEO prints to the shop.
Don't know what an ACEO is? - An ACEO (Art Card Edition and Original) is an art trading card. They measure 2.5 x 3.5 inches, which is traditional ACEO size. They are wonderful little collectibles, and the perfect way to own awesome art and prints without breaking the bank. Think baseball card only WAAAAY cooler.
Anyway, the holidays are just around the bend and these tiny little collectibles make EXCELLENT stocking stuffers! And these colorful, fun little prints are the perfect way to introduce kids to the joy of art collecting!
So, head on over {HERE} to see which ACEO prints you can grab for only $3.50 a pop... and head on over {HERE} to see my collection of original art cards for sale!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happiness is...
... discovering that, even after nearly 5 years of marriage, my husband still doodles my name when he is talking on the phone.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Best Show Ever!
I haven't been into soap operas since my pal Elena and I used to run home every day after 9th grade to watch Days of Our Lives. But now that I have discovered Ikea Heights (thanks to Jessica - LOVE her blog and shop) I am once again a fan of melodrama.
Four episodes, shot secretly during store hours in an Ikea store... Fantastic!
Happy Sunday, folks!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Happy 300th Post to Me!
Okay, so this post is my 300th post, which feels like a very big deal.
When I started my blog almost exactly two years ago, I never imagined that people would actually read it. Now, not only do I have readers, but I have made so many friends through blogging and you all have been an amazing community of supporters for me. I love and adore each and every one of you (mushy mushy mushy, I know. But seriously)!
If it wasn't for the support of my blog readers...
You've been there for me during all the major events in my life in the last two years. From putting in an offer on our first house just this past week (yay!), to our stressful move last summer, to encouraging me through my 50,000 word National Novel Writing Month goal last November (I never would have done it without you), to the horrible night when Annelie drank solvents and I learned just how scary being a mom can be (that post still makes me shake!)
Some of you have been following my stories since my first month of blogging (Cathy! Janell! Natalie!), some of you I have had the pleasure of visiting with in person (Melanie in Louisiana! Holly in Oregon! Tia in Texas! Anne in Arkansas!) and all of you remind me on a regular basis, that I'm not the only mom on the planet who is being driven nuts by her non-napping, high-energy, tantrum-throwing kids.
I truly can not express my thanks to all of you for becoming a part of my life and making blogging so much fun for me - But I'll try my best... with a giveaway!

How to enter: leave me a comment on this post and make sure I have a way to contact you.
I look forward to sharing the next 100 posts with you all! Thanks again!