I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: My favorite thing about Easter is the Easter Bunny. Call me materialistic, but as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing better than waking up on Easter morning, running to the living room and checking my basket to find it stuffed to the brim with toys and candy. The Easter Bunny never disappoints.
Granted, my basket isn't getting stuffed anymore (no, that is not a euphemism... get your mind out of the gutter)... but that's okay because the Easter Bunny is, and will always be, awesome.
The above picture is an illustration from a book I wrote in first grade, called THINGS I LIKE. It goes a little something like this:
This is an Easter Bunny.
I like the Easter Bunny
because she gave me candy
last year in my Easter Basket.
I got a toy lamb and a lot of candy
and the year before that year
I got a toy bunny.
I ate too much candy and I got a
stomach ache.
I like the Easter Bunny
because she gave me candy
last year in my Easter Basket.
I got a toy lamb and a lot of candy
and the year before that year
I got a toy bunny.
I ate too much candy and I got a
stomach ache.
(For the record, the Easter Bunny didn't disappoint that year I got sick... my six year old stomach just couldn't handle the mass quantities of candy I ate that morning. Turns out, eating enormous amounts of chocolate before 6 am isn't the world's greatest idea, no matter how fantastic it sounds)
And last, a Flashback Friday post just isn't complete without a photo of moi for you all to snicker over. Here I am, circa 1989 (I was eight), dressed in my Easter finest. The hair-do is of course, inspired by the movie version of Anne of Green Gables. I wanted to be Anne (with an E) very badly.

Have a flashback of your own to share with the world? Head on over to Tia's blog at www.christopherandtia.blogspot.com and join in the fun.
Anyway, have a great weekend, everyone! And if you are Easter celebrators, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday! And if you aren't Easter celebrators, I hope your day is fantastic as well.
I love that pic, haha! I think Easter is my third favorite holiday behind Halloween and Christmas... but it's my absolute favorite holiday for candy. Tasty, tasty Cadbury deliciousness!
awe! looks like a fabulous 80's easter! just like i remember!
I found you on etsy forums, I hope you'll come visit me too!
Oh, my adorableness. I hope you get some gooooood candy and stuff this year. You're never too old for an Easter basket.
What a cute picture! You reminded me of one of my old Easter dresses, which was pink and fluffy and had beading on the bodice. Good stuff!
Okay, my mind wasn't even in the gutter until you said that. :oP
And Will always says the sweetest things! Aw.
How precious! Hmmmm, I was 13 in '89... I wonder what my bangs looked like...
Oh man, it just isn't Easter without the Easter Bunny leaving me some Reese Eggs! Mmmmmm!!
Hope the Easter Bunny brings you a treat this weekend!
Happy Easter!
O....M.....G. Could you be any cuter? Who knew you had an evil, naughty center under that candy coating? Hee hee. Yep, what good is Mr Bunny without the goodies??? I better have some Peeps waiting for me this Sunday morning.
That picture is adorable. You legs were matchstick-y, but so cute!!
Also, I am *in love* with your Etsy shop, look for my order soon!!!
Alyssa... what naughty center?
Oh wait... yeah... 1989 was the year mean ole 8-year-old Marisa made it her mission to kick all boys in the 'nards' for no reason other than thinking it was funny....
*hangs head in shame*
Thanks everyone!!
And awwww! Thanks, Sara!!
Jon, those hearts are all in appreciation of my matchstick legs and Anne of Green Gables hair, am I right?
My parents used to hide my Easter basket, but in the most obvious of places. I miss the excitement of finding it, and seeing what the bunny brought me.
My favorite posts are the ones where you share your childhood drawings and writings! Whoever saved them for you deserves a big hug :)
Happy Easter!
Haha, Karen, it was ME! I have every picture I ever drew and every story I ever wrote when I was little. My mom gave me a file cabinet when I was in 5th grade, and they all went in there :)
I love Will's comment - LOL! (you're so cute)
The Easter I was three, I got sick. I think my illness was more of a stomach virus than related to eating too much candy, but in any event, my dad had to pull over on our way to church so I could throw up in front of a gas station. I actually remember my dad standing with me on the corner while I vomited in front of passing cars. For years after that, whenever we'd drive past that spot, my dad would say, "There's Melissa's puke spot." Nice.
My basket's not getting stuffed anymore either, but I still love Easter!
So sweet. Happy Easter.
Tell Will that his comment had me ROFL!!!!!!!!
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