In a couple of days, Gracie will turn five.
*deep breaths* Don't hyperventilate, Marisa. You will survive it.
I don't feel like she should be old enough to have her fifth birthday just yet, as she's still a tiny little newborn baby and all that... I think that is actually what I wrote on my blog last year, when she turned four. And the year before that, when she turned three. And I know I was feeling the same way on her second birthday... and her first.
Does it ever sink in that these tiny babies are growing up? My sources say no.
But when I see the photos from her first few days, weeks, months, its a shock to the system. She's a big girl now, entering the big bad world of kindergarten in only a few short months, and leaving me behind (you better believe I'll be one of those embarrassingly teary-eyed moms as I wave her off on her first day of school). But as this is a flashback, I'll take you all on a quick little trip down photograph lane, with some of the first photos of Gracie on this planet.
which was also the day I brought her home from the hospital.

I was already back to work, teaching summer school
and experiencing rotten separation anxiety.

Happy Birthday, Gracie!
Have a flashback of your own to share? Head on over to Tia's blog, at for Flashback Friday!
AWWW! happy early birthday Gracie! My son will be 2 on sunday and I am feeling the same way! LOVE the pictures, what a precious little girl! She is adorable!
Yes, as my aunt is fond of telling me:
The days are long.
The years are short.
Squeeze your kiddos. A few breaths and they'll be married and only the smudge marks on the walls will remind you of these young years.
Happy Birthday to a very special little (yes, she's still little) Gracie :) I love those pics. All of you look so freakin young!!! We may need to find the little lady something fun and special at Disney.
Don't worry Marisa, I was totally one of those teary eyed, had be forced back inside of the house after the school bus left, moms too when Brayden went off to Kindergarten.
Trust me on this one, pretty soon you can't wait until they're in school and you have some extra down time. Now I curse all of those stupid teacher in-service days
Happy Early Birthday Gracie!
Happy Birthday to your pretty little girl. Beautiful photos! My youngest goes to kindergarten in the fall. My husband is afraid I'll have a nervous breakdown!
I've been looking over baby pictures of my Peanut recently, her 4th birthday is two short months away.
I told her yesterday that she was getting to be such a big girl and then asked her what I was going to do when she was all grown up and was informed that she would always be my baby girl. She has no idea how true that is. And you are right it is too soon for Gracie to be turning 5
Awww! Happy birthday Gracie!! Time goes by so fast!
that pic of her smiling as a baby is so sweet... and look at those blue eyes now!! beautiful!
Awwwwwwww! Those photos are just darling, and what beautiful eyes!
You have the most beautiful children! And my little girl is turning 2 and I'm in pure panic mode. They other day I even tried to let her allow me to swaddle her just to see what it felt like. It was not what I remembered! Haha!
Is that duck poo on your shoe?
You look like an ANGEL
Do you smell like one, too??!*?
A FANTABULOUS collection on your blog - by the way I ADORE Marmite on toast!
From your newest Brit who came pretty slowly out of her cave...or is it cage?
Awww, Momma that was so sweet! Happy almost birthday Gracie!
I thought your kids were, like, 2? oh wait, that was way back when I was pregnant with Andrew...time really does fly!
Sasha - Aw, its a good time for b-days! Thanks so much!
Kearsie - I love that saying... so TRUE. And smudgemarks... wow, your kids go easy on you. Annelie just crayon scribbled her entire bedroom door while 'napping' the other day.
Alyssa - Thank you!! And have FUN in Disneyland!
Amanda - haha, yay, I'm not the only overly emotional mama!
Kelly - ahaha, nervous breakdown... I'm sure I'll have one right along with you :) Little babies, leaving the nest!
TMC - AWWWW! that is the sweetest thing! Mine has been telling me she's not a baby for ages... I hope she always knows she's my baby!
Melanie - Thank you!!
Nen - haha, thanks! That was always one of my favorites!
Melissa (Sweet Stitches) - Thank you!! I just love her eyes!!
Chana - that CRACKED me up! Swaddling your two year old! But so sweet. They grow so fast!
AnnMarie - Yay, you found me! Haha, LOVED that poem :D Thanks for being my latest Brit follower, and an awesome one to boot! :D
April - Thank you!! And I know you approve of her birthday present (called Hannah) You were the first person I told :)
Leah - I feel the SAME way when I see pictures of Andrew! I can not believe he isnt' a newborn baby anymore, and next to Isabella, he probably looks so big!
Oh, I've got a 4 1/2 month old right now. Its going by pretty fast! But, she is teething, so it's ok for now! ;)
That was such a sweet post!
Can I just say, it is freaky how much our families have in common! We brought Thomas home on Father's Day (first week of Sept here in this part of the world)! Bet bringing Gracie home on Mother's Day was extra special too :)
That photo of her sleeping on Will is gorgeous!
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