Monday, August 2, 2010

Back in the Saddle

The other day, I pulled out my colored pencils for the first time since February. Let me just say, holding my pencils in my hand again was like coming home after a long, long journey.

Cheesy, I know. But seriously, I hadn't realized just how long it had been since drawing last, or just how much I missed it.

My muse and I have been on bad terms, lately. I think she missed my colored pencils, too, and has been rudely taking it out on me. I was finally typing up the very last chapter of that dang book I mention writing every so often, and was ready for that final fight between good and evil and all that...

But the last 84 pages I'd written - everything since May - were complete and total crap, so I dumped them in the trash and stepped away from the computer for a few days, in desperate need of a breather.

A custom illustration came at the perfect time.

Here's a little sneak... more to come soon!

And remember a million years ago, when I had that giveaway for Alphabet prints? Well... guess what's on the drawing board?

P for Peacock...

R for Rabbit...

and V for... I'm not sure... Vulture, maybe?

Well, whatever I come up with for the letter V, I'm just happy to be scribbling again!

Looking forward to showing you my finished illustrations soon!

And as for that book I've been hacking away at... my muse is in better spirits this week. On with the end!



T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

How awesome that you are back drawing, it must have been hard to be away that long, but I know life gets inthe way, lovely work :) T

Penefulence said...

They all look beautiful! There is always V for violet =)

Creative Minds said...

Very nice! You're so talented.

V is for Violin. :)

Tina Laurel Lee said...

Everything since may you say? Really?

And I want to draw with you. We always write together but I never draw. We could do practice rooms for that too.

Welcome back, colored pencils!

Kitty said...

V is for vole. :D

Leah said...

Yay, glad you are having fun with your pencils again!

glentwistle said...

How about a vicuna for the V they are very handsome creatures.

Oh Mandie said...

I totally need a B and a G letter picture ... just sayin' :)

Kearsie said...

You are full of the amazing.

TMCPhoto said...

How about V is for Vole?

TMCPhoto said...

looks like yobokitty and I are on teh same page!

april said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the peacock illustration!!! Will these be in your etsy shop soon? (they should be!!!)

Unknown said...

Thanks, everyone!! I like vole... I'll have to practice that one, see if I prefer it to vulture when I'm done :)

April - yes, I will be adding the entire alphabet to my shop!

Martha from ilove2paint said...

Venus fly trap!
I just discovered your blog, and love it!

Alyssa S. said...

How is it that I missed this??? Oh yes, it's because I've been buried knee deep in writing! I LOVE that custom illustration and I'm glad you are showing the Prismacolors a little (or a lot) of love. Sometimes you just gotta cleanse the pallet :)

Unknown said...

How fun on the drawings. My sister has a great artistic gene as well. Not I!

"But the last 84 pages I'd written - everything since May - were complete and total crap, so I dumped them in the trash "...Does this mean you are starting over on all of that?

I'm still plugging away on mine - already know how I'm going to change the beginning and about 5 chapters I'm going to cut. Want to do it then I'll never get that first draft done.

Unknown said...

Ayala - Thank you!! :D

Alyssa - GO you for WRITING! I most certainly do not mind that you'd ignore my blog so you can WRITE!

Heather - Yes, all that is in the garbage. The ideas will be salvaged, for the most part, but all new setting, descriptions, dialogue... everything. But it will be good! I want the end to go POW and it just wasn't!

Glad you're plugging away at yours! Getting the words out rather than revising and deleting is so much smarter than my way of agonizing over everything and then deleting all of it!

Robert Guthrie said...

The pencils are thrilled you're using them again!

Laura Pauling said...

So cool! I'd love to be able to draw! And that's great you knew when to trash your writing and rewrite. Hard to do!

w said...

venison. heh heh.

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