When it comes to Annelie... I'm such a pushover. This is her "I've been naughty and I'm in big trouble" face, and if I don't check myself now, she'll use it to get away with everything for the rest of her life. Although, taking pictures of her and laughing my head off because, naturally, I think she is the cutest thing even when she has been naughty, doesn't help me and my credibility as a mom-who-runs-the-show.
I worked in childcare for 10 years, from nanny to daycare supervisor to 4th and 5th grade summer school teacher... and I kept those kids in line as rigidly as Captain Von Trapp with his whistle system. Naturally, I assumed that keeping my kids in line would be just as easy.
Moms out there... stop laughing right now! Don't think I can't hear you....
It doesn't help that Annelie, after wreaking havoc upon the world and my life, looks up at me with her "I've been naughty and I'm in big trouble" face, and then happily says, "I'm funny!" in order to see me crack a smile.
Don't worry, I'm not one of those moms. You know, the kind that sit calmly in the principal's office and say, "I don't know what you are talking about. My little Timmy would never put sand down little Ava's shirt" As a former playground terrorizer (read this post), I know just what is in store for me from my two little clones and have already broken in the time-out spot.
But seriously, how cute is this face?I don't know what you're talking about. My little Annelie would never dump a bucket of water all over the bath mat!
Oh wait, yeah she would.
And another thing... why must the bathtub always look like the movie set of Titanic??
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Naughty Little Lady and the Pushover Mom
All About Me,
My Girly Girls
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She is a cutie - what an adorable expression on her face! I love all of the Barbies in the tub too!
Ok, I am a push over - Its ok that I'm on the top of your blog anymore because seriously, how could I compete with that sweet little puckered up face :-)
Oh and trust me, its twice as bad with boys - I get those irresistable puppy dog eyes!
What a cutie! It only intensifies as they get older. My son (now 12) graduated from that adorable expression that cracked me up to wise cracks and insisting on me to "tap that" because it was so funny! He's right and it no longer helps to turn my head and pretend like I'm not laughing.
PS Yes, I've sat in the principal's office many times. I'm not a pushover and I tell them I believe them that my son did indeed put sand down someone's shirt, that I know the severity of the situation, and that he will be reprimanded. Of course he will crack some joke, I will be forced to acknowledge his wit, will "tap that" and then laugh while he commences to scrubbing toilets :)
Partly because of his wit but mostly because I don't have to do it!
LOL! That is sooo funny!
Oh wow! Your bathtub DOES look like a scene from the Titanic...lol. Your daughter is adorable.
Yes that is the cutest face! My youngest brother is 8 years younger that me & I remember cracking up at him too when he was small! What is it with little kids knowing that they are funny even BEFORE we laugh???
What a little darling..Ah, the spunky face..so sweet.
Could she get any cuter?!?
Yeah, I'm one of those moms who's laughing. She is so cute. If Lane had an expression like that after the whole worm dirt incident, I'd have probably laughed at him then too. Thank goodness he hasn't figured out a cute "get out of trouble by making mom laugh" face yet. What adorable little girls you have!
She knows the deal! OH NO! I have seen that face before on my daughter and I think it means we are eventually in trouble! hahaha
She is a beauty :)
I'm that same mom LOL! My hubby gets mad b/c I'm always like "No, don't do that!" then he starts to whimper and I pull him in and say I love you with a big hug. Hubby shakes his head and walks away saying"...ya that taught him!" LOL!
Hahahaha! The bathtub is almost always the scene of the crime over here. Thank you for the Sunday morning giggles.
OMG...Marisa ...you sound just like my sister....our kids toed the line when she was a babysitter...lol...we felt sorry for her kids when born but she is a pushover with them!
Your little one is adorable!!
That is too funny.
She is too cute.
And, I'm sure that Ken and Barbie dumped the water on the bath mat. Just look at them. They're the ones frolicking in the water. Annelie is an innocent bystander, guilty by association. Really. That's how it happens. I've been through this with five little girls. I know. LOL!
jeez marisa, that hardly looks like annelie at all! she looks like shes grown even more since the lake and that was what? 3 weeks ago? :( it feels like even longer though. this post had me laughing hard. all of your blogs do. i miss you guys!!!
LOL that's Daniel and me! He has the cheekiest smile...
heh heh
My friend Marilyn laughed easier than anyone I've ever met, and her kids figured that out before they could talk. So when they got bigger, whenever Mare would get mad, they'd go into this kind of comedy routine with singing and dancing and silly faces, and Marilyn would always crack up. But once, while I was visiting, they did something she just couldn't stand. It seems like they painted something, like the rock fireplace or the dog. Anyway, they went into their antics, and Mare cracked up as usual. And she laughed the whole time she was spanking them. I've never seen kids look so totally confused.
oh my, she's got herself a little James Dean sneer going on, doesn't she? I'd definitely have a hard time keeping a straight face to that! What a cutie!!!
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