Today's Friday Flashback is dedicated to my friend Alyssa, who:
a.) loves poetry
b.) is my alpha reader, which means she reads all of the sludge that comes out of my head and onto the paper before ANYONE else. Heck, even before I've revised it. I'm talking seriously bad sludge.
Well, Alyssa, that sludge had to start somewhere, and I'm pretty sure my 7th grade poetry folder is that place.
So, for your reading enjoyment, may I present ~
A Day At The Zoo
(poem typed below)
(poem typed below)

Entering the peacock hut
I see the strange birds walk a-strut
and as they walked they called out loudly
And the monkeys climed the fence
Swinging along the green tree tops
Wailing at the top of their lungs
Eeet! Eeet! Eeet!
The snakes ate mice
They knew no better
And they sung as they coiled in fright
But as I joined the excitable seals
Wallup came the smack of their ball
As they chanted all together
Oit! Oit! Ark!
The lions and their "Roar!"
Roared as I left
But hearing the birds twerp-tittering
I knew I'd come again
Tears are dripping down my cheeks right now. I'm not sure if they are tears of hilarity or pure humiliation.
Have a flashback you'd like to share? Head on over to Tia's blog and join the best meme in town!
Happy Friday, folks!
I love your poem, wish I had kept some of my 7th grade stuff!
Okay that is super cute! No need to feel humiliated. It's funny but mostly cute! You have good handwriting too!!! Glad you shared it!!!! And you were much kinder to the animals than the to Sam in your diary! ;)
Wow, a dedication :) Who knew those were the perks of being your Beta? I'll have the world know your straight of the brain to paper work is still better than a lot of people's many times re-edited stuff. Just sayin'.
That said...I'm sorry, I did laugh a little. Hey Pat Sajak, can I have a "b" for climb? Then I had to remind myself, you were in the 7th grade which officially makes this poem the most awesome ever!
Oh wait, I'm ALPHA, not Beta. Ain't I special?
hee its great!
I really only have one thing to say.
Eeet! Eeet! Eeet!
Have I ever told you the story about how my college poetry professor banned me from writing love poems? Ha. (They were probably a bad idea anyway since the object of my affections was in the class and had a girlfriend.)
ha, I have some stuff like that - but I'm not sharing. I think your poem is sweet.
Very cool!! I wish I still had some stuff from the 7th grade...all I have is my VERY bad yearbook photo...head hung down in shame. ;-)
Happy Weekend!
Cute! I have an award for you at my blog!
I do think your handwriting is really impressive too! So cute. An Kelly also makes a good point about Sam.
Aw . . .
Admittedly laughable, but I can see this as the beginning of an AWESOME children's book, written and illustrated by YOU.
Hey, that's not bad! Super cute! I think it makes for great children's poetry. No humiliation allowed!
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